main offers
Price List
X-ray examination
2.000 ֏
Computed tomography
20.000 ֏
5.000 ֏
Computed tomography of the temporomandibular joint
10.000 ֏
Tooth removal
10.000 ֏
Difficult tooth removal
30.000 ֏
Extraction of impacted tooth
50.000 ֏
Difficult extraction of impacted tooth
80.000 ֏
50.000 ֏
Treatment of periostitis
20.000 ֏
Cyst Removal
10.000 ֏
Gingivectomy 1 segment
20.000 ֏
40.000 ֏
50.000 ֏
20.000 ֏
Straumann BLX Implant
350.000 ֏
Cowell INNO Implant
200.000 ֏
Megagen Anyrige
200.000 ֏
Open sinus lift surgery
200.000 ֏
Close sinus lift surgery
50.000 ֏
Bone plastic (1 segment)
150.000 ֏
Gen-oss bone material 0.5g
40.000 ֏
Membrane Evo 20*20
70.000 ֏
Membrane Evo 30*30
80.000 ֏
Membragen 15*25
45.000 ֏
10.000 ֏
Surgical Navigation Template
50.000 ֏
Treatment of superficial caries
25.000 ֏
Treatment of medium caries
30.000 ֏
Treatment of deep caries
35.000 ֏
Tooth restoration with glass-ionomer rivet placement
40.000 ֏
Front tooth restoration (composite veneer)
50.000 ֏
Build up
35.000 ֏
Root canal filling (1 root canal)
20.000 ֏
Root canal filling (2 root canal)
25.000 ֏
Root canal filling (3 root canal)
30.000 ֏
Root canal retreatment (1 root canal)
25.000 ֏
Root canal retreatment (2 root canal)
35.000 ֏
Root canal retreatment (3 root canal)
40.000 ֏
Splinting of the shifted teeth
15.000 ֏
Elimination of recession in the area of 4-6 teeth
110.000 ֏
Work with a microscope
50.000 ֏
Dental hygiene
20.000 ֏
Dental hygiene with Air flow
25.000 ֏
Teeth whitening
80.000 ֏
Teeth whitening ZOOM 4
150.000 ֏
Curettage of gingival pockets (private 1 seg.)
40.000 ֏
Curettage of gingival pockets (open 1 seg.)
60.000 ֏
Veneer (Press E max)
120.000 ֏
Veneer (Cad cam)
150.000 ֏
Ceramic crown (e-max press)
120.000 ֏
Ceramic crown on a zirconium ioxide framework
120.000 ֏
Full dioxide-zircon crown
80.000 ֏
Metal-ceramic crown
60.000 ֏
Temporary plastic crown
5.000 ֏
Temporary plastic crown (Cad cam)
10.000 ֏
Complete removable denture (Ivobase)
150.000 ֏
Simple clasp prosthesis
200.000 ֏
Мicro attachment
30.000 ֏
Micro attachment MK
80.000 ֏
25.000 ֏
Bredent Micro prosthesis (Voloplast) Bre Flex – bredent
40.000 ֏
Capron Byugel Dentaplast – Bredent
140.000 ֏
Veloplast Bre-Flex Bredent
80.000 ֏
Garniture Bredent
25.000 ֏
Composite formation
25.000 ֏
Solid pin
10.000 ֏
Zirconia pin
30.000 ֏
Metal-ceramic crown on implants
75.000 ֏
Crowns on implants on an integral dioxide-zircon basis
100.000 ֏
Ceramic crown on zircon dioxide-based implants
140.000 ֏
Ceramic crown on implants (e-max press)
140.000 ֏
Plastic temporary crown on implants
15.000 ֏
PEEK on implants
170.000 ֏
Ceramic composition on implants
170.000 ֏
Bar on implants
60.000 ֏
Ceramic Inlay
120.000 ֏
Ceramic Inlay(Cad cam)
150.000 ֏
Wax modeling
3.000 ֏
20.000 ֏
Rebasing on a soft basis
50.000 ֏
Ti-Base Abutment
30.000 ֏
Pre-Mill Abutment
40.000 ֏
Standart Abutment
40.000 ֏
Multiunit Abutment
50.000 ֏
Temporary abutment
25.000 ֏
Healing abutment
18.000 ֏
10.000 ֏
Removable orthodontic appliance treatment
250.000 ֏
Treatment with metal braces
650.000 ֏
Treatment with brace system (ceramic)
850.000 ֏
Orthodontics consultation
10.000 ֏
70.000 ֏
Bite registration
50.000 ֏
Mini implant
50.000 ֏
TMJ dysfunction
450.000 ֏
Treatment with brace system (self ligating 1)
750.000 ֏
Treatment with brace system (self ligating 2)
950.000 ֏
Treatment with brace system (self ligating mix)
800.000 ֏
Fixed Retainers (6 teeth)
40.000 ֏
Removal of a milk tooth
10.000 ֏
Treatment of dental caries
15.000 ֏
Cavity filling of the milk tooth
15.000 ֏
Neuritis treatment
15.000 ֏
Space maintainer
20.000 ֏
Preventive hygiene
20.000 ֏
Dental fluoridation
15.000 ֏
Embalming of grooves tooth
15.000 ֏
5.000 ֏